A great day to give and receive jewelry. Patti Gregory Jewelry the perfect gift for your Valentine!
As a former art student I always look for art in everyday life. Jewelry is miniature sculpture you can wear, and clothes can also reflect that quality. A good example is this organza blouse with all it’s layers of ruffles.
I love charm bracelets, and I find the more you wear the better it looks, feels and sounds-as they click against each other. I have created a collection of bracelets in crystal, sapphire and amethyst. You can stack an arm of the same stones or color– or you can stack one of each color. Jewelry […]
Look to nature for inspiration when designing or making art. Stones and gems add that extra special element to jewelry and increase the value of a piece. Just like seasons have color so does jewelry, and there are times to wear turquoise and times to wear black onyx.
The beauty about jewelry is that it looks great piled or stacked on. This is one accessory that you should not be shy with. Every occasion is a good one for jewelry. The more, the merrier!
The colors of Fall are ambers, soft greens, browns and orange. All these colors can be found in gemstones like Carnelian, Jade, Amber and gold metals like bronze, brass and gold.
Imaginative and beautiful jewelry is often depicted in painting and sculpture. Looking at fine art can be a very valuable and interesting place to get ideas for new designs. This painting shows mismatched earrings that is a very contemporary look.
I love florals in dark colors, and I love bold jewelry in bronze or gold colored. This arrangement takes wheat colored grasses, burgundy berries and cream colored roses. A nice way to celebrate the Fall season.
Nature has the best clues for color, texture and design ideas. Whenever I need a quick dose of inspiration I take a long bike ride or hike in the woods. Patterns on trees, mushroom shapes etc. provide great opportunities for interesting ideas.
When I design a piece I am always influenced by my travels to other countries, and the jewelry worn by the people in that country. This neckpiece is a combination of African influences, and also Asian influences. The cream colored spikes on the piece are carved stone (Howelite) and the pendant is made of mixed […]